Monday, March 21, 2016

How Immigration Changes Language, 3/21

People nowadays are starting to worry about the survival of their own language. This concern is becoming more prominent, especially when people move away from home. In situations like that, people have  natural responses to either preserve their language, or they try to assimilate. I find it all too familiar with language being killed off because I am definitely one of those people who didn't take on my parent's native tongue. Apparently it's not an uncommon sight to see nowadays.

In the article, it talks about how immigration plays a big role in the loss of language, and even the change of language. For example, in America we have something called "Taglish", which is a combination of Tagalog and English. Taglish came into play when families tried to teach their sons and daughters Tagalog when their first language was English. English was thrown in, in hopes the kids would understand what their parents were actually talking about.

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